18 January 2009

number 17

for 3 days straight i have been alcohol free, only been bothered once a night by my mid-sleep crisis. thank you God. i've been out for 2 nights hanging out with my friends and i'm feeling better. i'm starting to enjoy life again, not completely but i'm getting there. my new found freedom was intoxicating at first but after a while, i'm starting to appreciate its perks. no more reporting, no more fighting, no more strings.

but fate can't seem to get enough of my frustrations. after eating dinner and enjoying the walk to the cinemas, i saw familiar faces. i looked at them and they looked at me. darn it, it was her friends from college, was she there? i waved and smiled at them, after all they are my friends but i didn't saw her or them. we went on our different ways and i just smiled at the coincidence. i thought to myself, at least they saw me happy and she wasn't there.

i was wrong. she was there with him that night. oh crap. after a few more clicks i confirmed it. what are the odds? but hey, i'm moving on right? i believe so because i'm starting to feel indifferent.

this is blog number 17.

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