01 November 2011

saturday at the market

for years now, salcedo village has been host to the more than 100 vendors selling at the salcedo community market every saturday. i've been working in salcedo village for quite some time now but the weekly routine of saturday sales meetings made me always forget to visit the place which is only a five-minute walk from our office. i've read about the weekend market countless times on the internet and even saw some feature clips on tv. this time i made an alarm to remind myself to have lunch at the salcedo community market.

it was a hot saturday but i didn't mind the heat. i was excited to see what the fuss is all about. immediately at the entrance you could already smell what's cookin'. with my tummy already growling, i was looking left and right having a hard time deciding on what to have. from fresh produce to cooked meals, food from all over the world was on the menu. aside from food, people in the market are of different nationalities too.

prices are relatively high since it's in makati and the weekend market mostly caters to foreigners and makati cbd residents. php120 for two dishes and a cup of rice. though they have generous servings, you can have the same in a food court at around php60 with free soup. i was particular with the price and wanted to buy what i think would be worth my hard earned cash. it took me two trips round the stores to finally decide on what to have. and as i've mentioned in my last blog post, i'm a burger guy and that's exactly what i had.

at dela rosa's deli, you'll get a large hamburger for 120 pesos. it's almost as tall as my xperia. they have four sizes of burgers: small, medium, large, and huge. the huge one is worth  around 300 pesos and if you can finish it in 20 minutes, you can have it free. taste-wise, it's just like your average burger. much like an angel's burger but much much bigger and with homemade coleslaw and cucumber. bottomline, not worth my php120.

after a not so enjoyable burger, i went around again to look for something to satisfy my taste buds. as big as that burger was, i still felt i could eat another one, but only if it would taste better. i saw these japanese cakes and wanted to try them. the last time i had some was in highschool when they were selling these for 5 pesos with choices of cheese, monggo, ube, and others for fillings. the japanese cakes at the salcedo market were i think a bit bigger and they are selling it for 18 pesos each. i bought 2 cream cheese filled cakes and was satisfied.

there are a lot to check out at salcedo community market and i would definitely be back. while walking around i saw another burger joint and will try that next time. if you have guests from other countries, bring them to the weekend market and they would surely enjoy it. locals will enjoy it as well particularly those wanting to taste or buy something new. patrons of jollyjeeps and fastfood on the other hand, might just have lunch somewhere else every saturday.

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