27 December 2008

number 7

it's been days since i updated this blog. a few days back i posted a blog for her. between the lines or should i say every start of the line, she was it.

after my last post here i felt better. i drank the whole week with friday as my only rest. and during daytime i was okay. everyone was buzzing about it i can hear the whispers. "ron has recovered" they say. and i did. i recovered from making myself useless. i started to work again. i started to crack jokes again. i stopped making others feel miserable when they're around me. i hope i can keep this up.

easier said than done. christmas passed as if i was asleep with eyes open. i tried to make a fuss out of christmas, after all it was the birth of our Savior. but here i am again. sick and tired of my love life. i still go out with friends but to no use. last night i woke up 3 times just thinking of her. even in my sleep im haunted by what i miss the most. something i might not have again. but i still have faith. i will never give up. i guess church bells and rings are the only things that can stop me from giving her up.

this too shall pass. you too shall be with me again.

this is blog number 7.

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