02 February 2018

NSD Sunday

My earliest recollection of basketball was a Rudy Distrito clutch shot to win Ginebra a title. The shot created so much pandemonium and I was a Ginebra fan ever since.

That was in 1991, I was only 8 years old.

The Big Apple On A Not So Big Budget - The Met

To cap off our New York trip, we checked out The Met, one of the largest museums in the world. It's so big that it would take you more than a day to fully appreciate what it has to offer.

The Met

01 February 2018

The 30 Day Fitness Challenge

I have always been a fan of home workouts. I laugh at those who spend hundreds if not thousands of pesos for a gym membership or even an instructor. Not that I don't believe it doesn't work, because it does and everyone has their own reasons, but I just don't want to spend money for something I could get for free.

I don't need to look far for an inspiration. I used to play basketball with construction workers with chiseled abs but still eating at least 2 cups of rice and drinking almost every night. Another inspiration is of course, my wallet.

The 30 Day Fitness Challenge App (for Android and IOS)

Living in a world of apps, I found just one that I actually think I can benefit from: The 30-Day Fitness Challenge.