26 December 2006


the day i've waited for a year has passed me like a speeding ferrari. i only got a look at christmas for what seemed like a second and now all i can do is look back at it as it fades away.

i've been training for more than a week. enough that it already has taken its toll on me. wake up calls at 6 in the morning, rush hour traffic, a beaten body and nothing to look forward to the next day. i've made myself a robot just to try and keep up with the working world but in the process, i've lost touch with my world.

i keep on asking myself "is christmas really over?" my computer says the 26th so i guess it is over. the new routine haywired my mind that somehow i feel i'm beginning to disconnect with reality. and i'm sorry for all the birthday greetings i forgot to send out for i am losing grip with time.

christmas came and christmas left. christmas is for children. how painful the truth is. gone were the days when all i worry about are the presents i wasn't able to give or the things i would do during the holidays. i don't have to worry no more about what i'll do during the holidays. come the 27th, i'm back to my black shoes, long-sleeves, and tie. there's no such thing as a grown-up christmas, it's nothing but a couple of days off work.

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