05 July 2005

a half-smile

the class was about to start and before i went in, i saw an image of what seems to be my butterfly. i entered the room and seeing that i got a few minutes left before the lecture starts, i went out and tried to look for her. i didn't know where to look so i just went to the bathroom. and while i was walking she blindsided me, coming out of nowhere. i was stunned. i probably looked stupid uttering some lyrics from an mp3 i was listenin' to. She looked at me and gave me a half-smile. and for at least five minutes, my teeth was showing, i can't take off my smile...

oh well, i guess i have to rely on my information-gathering skills. the power of information is critical right know, given that i'm such a wuss. for now i just have to be content with what the circumstances have to offer. the half-smile should be enough for me. the smile may be only partial but her eyes tells me there is something more, something that might include me? well, i hope so...

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