03 May 2005

the day wasn't ready for me

i was ready for this day, but apparently the day was not ready for me.

let me elaborate... a few days back, i had a fone call from a friend taking classes this summer. we talked for about half an hour, updating me on school stuff. he mentioned something about **** who is also taking the same class. They, together with another friend, often hang-out after class (the guy's gay by the way). I was quite surprised since i was planning to meet them (the gay guy and the other friend) at school to hang-out and catch up on things. But now, things got a little bit tricky, because i know it'll be awkward if she's there, and i'm there...

Then i got my groove back... (please refer to the earlier post). i got my confidence back and suddenly i had this burning curiosity inside me. i wanted to know how would i react to such a situation but most importantly, how would she react. Because i know, i'll be handling the situation quite well due to my renewed self but i don't know about her. So i went for it...

Today i went to school to meet my friends, hoping that i'd see her and see how it goes. And as i've said, the day wasn't ready for me. she was not there today, so i guess i'll still be curious, but i'm ready for sure...

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