today is the fourth thursday of november and only a few filipinos know that today is thanksgiving day. and what a great day to fall on, the 27th.
for a year and a half, i always look forward to this day. it was written in the stars. it was neither forced nor artificial, it was rather spontaneous on your part. remember two plus seven? it was me. how about my seven minus two? that was you.
even in the early part of this fiasco, i looked upon the 27th to save the day. and it did. i told you to wear my favorite dress of yours and you did. a little uneasy at first but i was happy you were back in my arms again.
temptation, however, was there at the end of the track. with his superficial longing for a better version of his other half and you looking for something new plus the fact that you weren’t sure of me, the rest is bound to happen.
but i’d like to say thank you. i did say that right now i am worse than when you found me. but worry not wendy, this is just something that we both have to overcome. i now understand that. next time we meet, you and i will be better. if for each other, that’s another story for heaven’s hand to write.
thank you for everything. ’til we meet again.